8 Closed cell insulation systems Refrigeration and cold water services operating at low temperatures attract condensation; and the associated problems of corrosion, mould growth and deterioration in the efficiency and service life of equipment. Closed cell ArmaFlex insulation materials help to control condensation owing to its high water vapour diffusion resistance value of up to 10,000 mu (µ value). Conversely, if a non-closed cell product that doesn’t act asanintegralwatervapourbarrierisused,condensation can form under insulation leading to Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI). The applications for refrigeration and air-conditioning systems range from food production and storage to the yearroundclimatecontrolofresidencesandcommercial buildings. The correct choice of insulation can save a great deal of energy by improving the efficiency of the system. Armacell’s high-performance technical insulation materials meet all individual requirements for refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. ArmaFlex closed cell materials provide dependable, long-term thermal protection whilst also contributing to reducing operating noise. Your advantages with Armacell • Flexible, closed cell products with a high water vapour diffusion resistance to prevent moisture ingress • Suitable for application temperatures to -50˚C • Market leading thermal conductivity value of 0.033 W/(m • K) to protect equipment against energy losses • Meets BS 5422 condensation control requirements at reduced thicknesses • FM approved Market destination examples • Supermarkets & food stores • Data centres • Pharmaceutical & chemical process industries • Food & Beverage production • Cruise liners REFRIGERATION & CHILLED WATER APPLICATIONS