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Didyouknow that…
41%of all non-residential
buildings started in2012 in the
USAweregreen, as compared to
2% in2005?
Armacell trains several
thousand insulatorsper year
around theglobe?
Armacell stands for…
honestyand fair playwith its
“I’maway fromhome180daysayear training insulators inNorthand
Central Europe to install Armaflex professionally. You have to put
yourheart and soul into this job, but it alsogives youa lot back. Asa
self-employed insulator I spent many years outside on the building
site, so I knowwhat counts there. I’m familiarwith the problems of
the trade and I’m awareof the timepressureunderwhich thework
has to be done. On the other hand, no insulator can pull the wool
Honesty and fair play with all its partners – that’s what Armacell
stands for. And for great support for craftsmen. Noother FEFmanu-
facturer offers anywherenear asmany training courses asArmacell,
whether at theArmacell training centres, at initial and further train-
ing institutions or directly on the building site. InNorth and Central
Europe alonemy colleagueMichaelWeber and I trainedover 1,500
installers last year. AlthoughArmaflex ismuch simpler to install than
other insulationmaterials, some fundamental principles still need to
beheeded, especially in cold applications. Apart from thequality of
the insulationmaterial and the calculation of the correct insulation
thickness, the standard of workmanship is crucial for the reliability,
efficiency and service life of the technical installation. If the insula-
tion isn’t installedby suitably trained craftsmen, it’s often theweak-
est link in the chain. That’swhywe recommend that insulationwork
in cold applications is always carried out by trained and certified
insulation companies. In some sectors theArmaflex installation cer-
tificate has already established itself as a seal of quality. To ensure
that insulation materials are installed expertly, many clients in the
chemical industry insiston theArmaflex installation certificatewhen
they award contracts. In addition to the basic training courses in
which fundamental knowledge about the preparation and installa-
tion of tube and sheet material is given, we also offer advanced
courses. Thesedealwith the insulationof complex installations such
as refrigeration pumps. We also dedicate special workshops to the
application of new products – for example pre-covered insulation
materials, thenew cryogenicproductsorournewadhesive systems.
Wewant to support all our partners in the trade inbecoming fit for
the future.”
Armacell Application
Specialist EMEA
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