A full-circle solution forfibre-free,
sound-attenuatingduct liner
Theeconomical alternative for installing
split air-conditioners
WithTubolit Split&DuoSplitAluArmacell has addeda cost-effective
product variantmade of aluminium to its range of system solutions
for split air-conditioners. The pre-insulated pipes for connecting the
In the US market, Armacell now offers spiral duct manufacturers an
innovative duct liner: AP Spiralflex is the first elastomeric insulation
material to be developed specifically for spiral ducts and meet the
components of split andmulti-split air-conditioners quicklyand reli-
ablyprovidenot only substantial cost benefits, but alsooutstanding
technical properties.
Corrosion resistant, lightweight and cost efficient
Aluminium is themetal of the future: it is light, inexpensive and recy-
clable. Due to itsparticularmaterial properties, aluminiumhas a longer
service life than othermetals, when used appropriately, and it ismuch
more resistant tocorrosion than steel or copper. Tubolit Split&DuoSplit
Alu aremade of an aluminium alloywhichwas specially developed for
Aluminium also offers further benefits: with similar burst pressure to
copper, it is on average 65 % lighter. The material can be bent easily
withoutkinking,makingthe installationprocessboth fasterandcheaper.
Apart froma fewminordifferences, thematerial ishandled in the same
wayas copper.
Domorewith less!
Dual-wall ducts have always been an imperfect solution: fibrous insula-
tion must first be wrapped in film and then sandwiched between an
outer sheet-metal duct and an inner perforated sheet-metal surface to
allow for sound attenuation and ensure there are no fibres inside the
duct.WithAPSpiralflexneither filmsnorperforated innerductsarenec-
essary, because the thermal efficiency and sound attenuation are
achievedwithout fibres.
Very fast and simple installation
Made fromhighly conformableelastomeric foam, APSpiralflex
cuts easily with a knife. Its smooth, flexible backing fits
snugly against theductwall, without the typical gaps
that rob conventional insulation systems of their
efficiency. Installation is a simplematter of form-
ing a correctly sizedAP Spiralflex tubewithone
glued and taped seam. This is inserted into the
spiral duct section. The result is amoreprecise
insulation application that weighs 20 % less
thandual-wall ductswithmineralwool.
Sustainable solution
Because fewermaterials areused, APSpiralflex is
theperfect solution for buildingswhere sustainabil-
ity isahighpriority–especially schoolsandhospitals
that require fibre-free ducts. The fact that it ismadewith
built-inMicroban®antimicrobial technology, iscompletely form-
aldehyde free and has lowVOCsmakes it the perfect choice for any
facilitywithhigh IAQ standards.
AP Spiralflex is produced inMebane, NorthCarolinaand soldon theUS
requirements for indoor air quality (IAQ), noise attenuation and ther-
mal efficiency. This all-inclusive solution eliminates the need for
encapsulating films andheavydual-wall systems.
A video on YouTube shows the connection of Tubolit Split &
DuoSplitAlupipeswithheat-shrink tubing
Videoon the applicationof AP Spiralflex
The cost benefits are outstanding: whereas the price for standard cop-
per pipes has increased by around 140 % since 2002 and fluctuates
throughout the year, comparable aluminiumpipes are available for just
a thirdof the cost and theprice ismuchmore stable.
Energy savings, condensation control and long service life
By farmoreenergy is required toprovide cold than togenerateheat. To
ensure that the expensively-produced cold arrives where it is needed,
thepipesmustbeprotectedagainstunnecessaryenergy losses.Oncold
pipes only closed-cell insulationmaterials can reliably prevent conden-
sation and thus increase the energy efficiency of the equipment in the
long term. Formany years, the pre-insulated Tubolit Split andDuoSplit
pipes have been the tried-and-tested solution for connecting the com-
ponents of Split andDuoSplit air-conditioners. They prevent condensa-
tionprocesses and thus effectively support corrosionprotection.
Tubolit Split&DuoSplit Alu are suitable for the refrigerant gases R410A
and R407C. They fulfil the European Pressure Equipment Directive and
the polyolefin-copolymer covering is UV-resistant. The special advan-
tage of the twin-pipes is that the patented join-split fastening technol-
ogyallows them tobe split and joinedwithout theneed for tools.