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The extensive pipe- and ductwork of the air-handling systems in the
Lenzing Group’s new lyocell fibre plant had to be insulated on a very
tight schedule. Together with the project management the insulation
companyKnierzinger found inArma-ChekSilver theoptimal solution for
the complex requirements.
Theworld’smostmodern fibreplant
The LenzingGroup’snew lyocell fibreplant is record-breaking: in just 24
months themost modern fibre production facilities in theworldwere
constructed at the company headquarters in Lenzing (Vöcklabruck dis-
trict, Austria). Thenewproduction linewitha capacityof 67,000 tonnes
per year is around four times as big as previous lines. This is where
lyocell fibres aremanufactured –man-made regenerated fibres made
fromcellulose,whichLenzingAGsellsunder thebrandnameTENCEL®*.
The company invested around €150million in this projectwhichmarks
a technological milestone for the Lenzing Group. Construction of the
jumbo linewentaccording toplan, both financiallyand in termsof time.
Apart fromonedayof badweather,workwas carriedout dayandnight
to stayon schedule.
project so far can be found in the
project brochure
Arma-ChekSilver in
theworld’s largest
lyocell plant
*TENCEL® is a registered trademarkof LenzingAG
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