The Right Material for Professionals
The Advanced Insulation business develops flexible insulation foam products for the insulation of mechanical equipment in markets where energy distribution is required, such as in commercial and residential construction, industrial applications, and the oil and gas industry.
The main end markets and applications for the group’s Advanced Insulation businesses include:
- Equipment for commercial construction
- Equipment for residential
- Light and heavy industry
- Transportation
Application Training

Installers and insulation contractors routinely make critical decisions that could have significant impact on the outcome of a project. These decisions must take into account a variety of factors, including building codes, specific application challenges, insulation capability as well as time and budget constraints.
Armacell strives to help insulation contractors rise to the challenge of their job in a variety of ways. First, we work closely with an extensive network of distributors so that they can provide a quick response on pricing and availability of our products. Second, our Technical Managers and Installation Specialists, all of whom are experts in the selection and application of all our foam materials, are fully prepared to respond to any technical questions that may arise. Third, Armacell offers a suite of self-serve tools to support installers, such as the ArmaFlex® Application Manual as well as installation videos on the Armacell YouTube channel.
Contact us to find out more about our application and installation training program.
Our Product Range

Insulation is the key to increased energy efficiency — in commercial and residential buildings, in industrial applications and in the oil and gas industry. When energy is generated, transported or stored, part of the valuable resource gets lost when the equipment is not or is poorly insulated.
Did you know that buildings are the single largest user of energy in the world? The energy used to heat, cool and light our buildings accounts for more than 40% of all CO2 emissions. Up to 25% of this energy could be saved just by insulating accessible heating and hot-water pipes in old buildings.
ArmWin® Insulation Thickness Calculator

ArmWin® is a professional insulation thickness calculator developed by Armacell. To calculate the insulation thickness it is necessary to know or define the line and ambient temperatures and the relative humidity and to determine the thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient of both the insulation and the object (pipe / duct etc.) to be insulated. These calculations can be made much more easily using ArmWin®.