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The new Tubolit Application Manual and videos from Armacell

Application guide in practical A5 format and video clips on YouTube

Münster, 4 May 2017. – Which points need to be considered when installing Tubolit insulation tubes? How are bends and branches fabricated out of PE tubes? These and many other questions are answered in the new Tubolit Application Manual just published by Armacell. The installation guide is supplemented by short video clips showing the main techniques.

Tubolit Application Manual for use on the building site
The free brochure gives basic information on professional installation and clear step-by-step instructions for preparing and applying Tubolit products properly. Even fitting covers for pipe clamps and valves can be fabricated quickly and easily. Providing the specialist uses the right tools and matching accessories. One chapter is devoted specially to insulating wastewater pipes. The brochure is published in a handy A5 format and can be requested from the Armacell Customer Service Centre or by email (info(at)armacell.com) or downloaded at www.armacell.eu.

Installation videos

Alongside the new Tubolit Application Guide Armacell has also published short video clips in which the essential techniques are demonstrated. They can be used either on their own or to support the application guide. The clips were deliberately produced without explanatory texts to avoid language barriers. They are also designed for use on mobile devices such as tablet PCs and smartphones, so that installers can check immediately on the building site whenever uncertainties arise. The new Tubolit application videos and other clips from Armacell can be found on the Armacell channel on the YouTube platform.