Armacell India racing towards Silver level in World-Class Armacell Mindset Audit

Armacell India Pvt. Ltd. Pune plant has become the first factory in the Armacell Group to achieve the BRONZE WAM Award and score 41 points during its 4th World-Class Armacell Mindset (WAM) Audit in 2017.

Starting the WAM journey two years ago, Anitya Doorwar, the Pune Plant Manager, led the operations team in embracing the mindset of transforming the plant to achieve world-class manufacturing standards.

This year WAM Audit 2018, with a motivated team continuously challenging themselves to develop and implement value-based processes, tools and training programmes, the team looks to consistently improve individual and operational performances.

12 technical pillars & 8 managerial WAM pillars underwent through the stringent audit which was conducted by Mr. Roberto Mengoli (CTO, Armacell), Mr. Liam Douglas (General Manager – APAC Operations, Armacell) & M. Malte ,The score of 42 points was achieved by attaining 1 point in 2018 WAM audit. The audit team scrutinized each and every pillar at all the levels and shared valuable inputs for betterment of the pillars.

The Pune plant’s achievement now serves as a reference for WAM within the Armacell Group. as the team continues to pursue the path towards achieving a SILVER Award, the journey is going to get tougher and for which, the team is highly charged up to ensure to sustain and grow in the WAM journey. This achievement again shows that with dedication and trust, excellence is possible for every team.