Armacell is committed to quality management and environmental management as integral parts of the company’s overall policies. Our products and processes reflect the highest quality standards for products and services according to ISO 9001:2015.

We use state-of-the-art technology for production, control and monitoring in the ArmaPET manufacturing process. We have implemented fully integrated ERP and Six Sigma process monitoring systems, which enable full quality control of important product properties that are relevant for the reliable performance of the sandwich structure.

Automated, 100% in-line controls measure every single board to ensure that density variation is kept at a very low level (< 5%) and that the thickness lies within the tight tolerances. Each individual board is subjected to in-line optical scanning for surface damage and impurities. And every single ArmaPET board produced is identified by a unique barcode, which ensures traceability from the final product back to the raw material used. 

Raw material inspection: differential scanning calorimeter and intrinsic viscosity.

100% inline density control during extrusion. Inspection of mechanical properties of welded boards.

Unique barcode per board ensures 100% traceability of raw materials used and extruder settings. 

Every board is digitised. Visual inspection of boards and packaging. Sample storage of at least 24 months.