ArmaComfort AB


ArmaComfort AB
ArmaComfort AB
The sound of silence: Creating a quiet environment with ArmaComfort AB (Illustration: Armacell)


  • Suunniteltu erityisesti vähentämään hulevesi- ja viemäriputkien melua
  • Loistava suorituskyky jo ohuella akustisella kerroksella
  • Helppo levittää ja ylläpitää

One of the most frequent sources of nuisance in living and working environments is noise. Sounds from wastewater pipes and internal rainwater pipes are experienced as being particularly annoying. The noise of falling water is transferred via unprotected pipes to wall and ceiling elements and from there to adjoining rooms. With ArmaComfort AB and ArmaComfort AB Alu we now provide highly efficient noise control solutions specially developed for this area of application.

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Suositellut tuotteet

ArmaFlex 520 Adhesive

ArmaFlex 520 Adhesive

Korkealuokkainen Liima ArmaFlex®-Asennuksen Parempaan Luotettavuuteen
